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Jamnagar, the place for unexploited beaches
Jamnagar coastline though tidal, presents to the visitors with fantastic beaches during high tide, plus there are about 42 islands here in the gulf of kutch, many of which are fringed with fantastic beaches...
One can go to different places by the sea all over, but here in Jamnagar, you will get places where generally you will have all the privacy you will ever need.
These places have not got a trace of commercialization yet, so one should come down and enjoy them while it lasts, also one should remember to take along some food and water...
Plus many of the places are so serene and quite, meditation camps can be done here.
This lagoon is wonderful. The water is calm and the sand is good, some patches are a bit rocky, but other than that its fantastic sandy beach.
The feeling which you will get when you wake up here with the rising sund and the sound of the waves mixing with the bird calls... is something you will remember for a very long time..

A short trek leads you to the place which we have named sunrise point.
One can climb the beautiful rocks here on and see the surrounding area and the far away islands.
Permission from the Forest deprtment is needed to visit Positra.
Dhabdaba island
This is an island just off the coast of Bhadu...
One can reach there via boat and swim to your hearts content, full privacy..

Permission from the Marine National Park deprtment is needed to visit this place.
This place is also called okha-madhi.
This wonderful beach comes about 22 KMS before Dwarka.
Vast expanse of beach, clean water and sand..
Its the open sea here, so mostly the waves are quite strong.
The Beachs of Pirotan Island are clean and the sand is great. You will have all the privacy you need.
This beach is tide dependent. So plan well before you set sail for the Pirotan Island.
If you are a birder, then you will enjoy watching huge flocks of birds on these beaches. You start watching when the tide is low and keep watching as the tide comes up bringing the birds closer to you.
To reach this island you will have to hire a boat and permissions are needed from the Forest department, Customs Department & the Ports.
Tiny Sandy Island in Lagoon
This tiny island which rests in the lagoon of Bhadu, is half covered with sand and half with rocks. During full tide it provides excellent swimming area and during low tide when the water goes away from the lagoon, a nice place to rest away from main land...
Shivrajpur Beach
My favourite beach..
This lagoon is an ideal place to spend time with a picnic hamper & tent..
This fantastic beach is about 12 KMS away from Dwarka towards Okha.
Here the sea is very calm in winters & early summers, so its an ideal place for swimming.
Balachadi beach
This is Jamnagars most popular beach. On public holidays and during festival times this beach is full of people.
Its about 27 kilometers from the city.
Before visiting one must check the tide timings - so as to know, when there would be water. Because inside the Gulf of Kutch, high tide times bring in the water and low tides timings do not have water there..
Its also a very popular destination of most locals on the night of the full moon - `Shardpoonam'

The wonderful coast of Jamnagar offers many peaceful and serene places for people who want to meditate.

Hotel President, Teen Batti, Jamnagar - 361 001, Gujarat, India.
Phone: +91 288 2557491 Fax: +91 288 2558491 Email: info@hotelpresident.in
This website is for local & international tourists as well as for Jamnagar residents interested in knowing more about the area.
i`ll try to keep updating this website. if you have want to add something about Jamnagar, then pls email me.